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CNC Command Line Interface (CLI)


pip install cocnc

Global Options

  • --config-file-path, -f: Specify CNC config file path
  • --environments-file-path, -e: Specify environments data file path

Commands Overview

  • provision
  • build
  • deploy
  • update
  • info
  • shell
  • toolbox
  • inspector

Detailed Command Usage


Manage infrastructure provisioning.


  • collection_name: the name of the collection to target


  • plan: Generate an infrastructure plan cnc provision plan [--cleanup] [--generate]
  • apply: Apply an infrastructure plan cnc provision apply [--cleanup] [--generate] [--update-environments]
  • debug: Debug an infrastructure plan. Usually you would run this and inspect the output .tf files. cnc provision debug [--cleanup] [--generate]
  • cmd: Run an infrastructure command in the CLI cnc provision cmd <tf_cmd>...

    This subcommand allows you to run any Terraform command directly through the CNC CLI. Here are some examples:

    • Destroy infrastructure: cnc provision cmd destroy
    • Run Terraform commands with flags: cnc provision cmd -- destroy --target some_resource.resource_name
    • Import existing resources: cnc provision cmd import aws_vpc.main vpc-1234567890abcdef0

You can use cnc provision cmd to run any Terraform commands you'd like, giving you full flexibility in managing your infrastructure. Note: Use -- before passing any flags to Terraform.


Build containers for config-defined services.

cnc build perform <environment_name> [--service-tag <service>=<tag>]... [--default-tag <tag>] [--collection-name <name>] [--cleanup] [--debug] [--generate] [--webhook-url <url>] [--webhook-token <token>] [--parallel]


Deploy built containers to the specified environment.

cnc deploy perform <environment_name> [--service-tag <service>=<tag>]... [--default-tag <tag>] [--collection-name <name>] [--cleanup] [--debug] [--generate] [--webhook-url <url>] [--webhook-token <token>]


Perform both build and deploy operations.

cnc update perform <environment_name> [--service-tag <service>=<tag>]... [--default-tag <tag>] [--collection-name <name>] [--cleanup] [--debug] [--generate]


Display information about the CNC configuration.


  • version: Show CNC version cnc info version
  • app: Show application info cnc info app
  • environments: List environments cnc info environments [--collection-name <name>]
  • services: List services for an environment cnc info services <environment_name> [--collection-name <name>]


Start an interactive Python shell with CNC context.

cnc shell start


Manage development toolboxes for environments.


  • start: Start a toolbox session cnc toolbox start <environment_name> [--service-name <name>] [--tag <tag>] [--proxy-only]
  • run: Run a command in a toolbox cnc toolbox run <environment_name> [--service-name <name>] [--tag <tag>] -- <command>...


Inspect and analyze CNC templates.

cnc inspector list <template_path> [--collection-name <name>] [--template-type <type>]

Environment Variables

  • CNC_CONFIG_PATH: Path to the CNC config file
  • CNC_ENVIRONMENTS_PATH: Path to the environments data file
  • CNC_DEFAULT_TAG: Default tag for services
  • AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile to use (if using AWS provider)


Provision infrastructure:

cnc provision apply

Build and deploy a specific service:

cnc update perform dev --service-tag backend=v1.2.3

Start a toolbox session:

cnc toolbox start staging --service api

Run a migration in a toolbox:

cnc toolbox run prod --service db -- python migrate

View environment information:

cnc info environments

Working with Existing Resources

CNC provides flexibility in working with both new and existing infrastructure:

  1. For supported resources like AWS VPC, CNC uses Terraform data resources to reference existing infrastructure without managing it directly.

  2. For resources not yet supported by CNC, you can:

  3. Add custom Terraform templates in a custom directory
  4. Import existing resources using cnc provision cmd import...

  5. You can further customize your Terraform configurations to dynamically create resources per environment or per service.

This approach allows you to integrate existing infrastructure with CNC-managed resources and provides a path for customization as needed.